Trust & Estate Planning Specialist
Fergus McCarthy

Fergus is a consultant to Warren & Partners and has almost 30 years’ experience working in private client taxation.
Fergus has a broad experience in advising private clients on their taxation affairs, with a particular focus on all aspects of estate planning, trusts and tax planning for family business owners.
Fergus is the co-author of the Bloomsbury publication “Bohan & McCarthy: Capital Acquisitions Tax”, which is generally regarded as one of the leading authorities on Capital Acquisitions Tax in Ireland. The book is now in its fourth edition, with a fifth edition planned.
Prior to working for Warren & Partners, Fergus was a partner in Kennelly & Twomey (now KTA) and worked for 9 years at a senior level in the private client tax department of PwC, having qualified as a solicitor with McCann Fitzgerald, Solicitors, in 1993.
Fergus has lectured for various professional bodies on topical taxation issues and has written articles on tax for professional publications and the national press.