Advising Private Clients
Advising Private Clients
Private clients such as high net worth individuals have worked with us for 25 years to tax plan their financial affairs. They are attracted by our bespoke service and proactive approach.
For those clients with a family office, we provide tax support to the family office across a broad range of tax heads.
Your tax position needs to be tax planned before you move tax residence or have a change in family circumstances:
Our knowledge of tax residence and domicile rules allow us to devise tax solutions for private clients before they move to Ireland or leave Ireland to reside abroad.
The trauma of dealing with marital separation and divorce can often lead to individuals not being aware of the tax implications of such life changing events. We provide tax support to the family lawyer in terms of providing solutions which are tax efficient.
Wealth planning
We make you aware of the financial opportunities, taxation implications and capital tax cost of passing your assets onto the next generation. We consider the opportunities that may arise from giving gifts to secure reliefs, and from transferring assets before any likely increase in value occurs. In this regard, we frequently use Family Partnerships, Limited Partnerships and tax efficient Wills structures to assist clients.
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